Friday, March 6, 2020

A Day in the Life at Marquette University

A Day in the Life at Marquette University Meaghan earned her bachelors degree in secondary education from Marquette University. She specializes in elementary math tutoring, test prep tutoring, and a number of other subjects. Below, she shares her experience at Marquette University: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Meaghan: The campus is an urban setting, which is one of the reasons I personally loved it. I did feel safe on campus, but you have to be careful when traveling alone. Make sure you know where all of the blue light phones are on campus and how you could quickly reach someone in an emergency. In terms of transportation, Marquette is pretty accessible on foot. Walking to class would take no more than 10 minutes, depending on where you live. If youre trying to go anywhere else in Milwaukee, the city bus is a great and reliable option. The only time I felt as though a car might be nice is when grocery shopping. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Meaghan:In my experience as an education and English major, I had smaller class sizes with readily available professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants. The thing thats different about any university from high school is the fact that you generally do have to seek out help if you want it. I had a few professors who would require we meet during office hours once or twice a semester. Academic advisers meet with you a minimum of once a semester to plan for the following semester. If you want any other attention or support, you have to take it upon yourself to get it. However, I had professors and advisers that were happy to support me. I forged a lot of relationships with professors that I still keep in touch with and go to for career advice now that Im a teacher. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Meaghan:The dorm life is honestly a lot of fun. At Marquette, youre required to live in the dorms for two years. Most of the dorms have rooms that are a little cramped and dont have air conditioning, but it provides you with the easiest possible way to make friends. I personally loved my cramped dorm experience and I wouldnt change it for the world. Marquette has a lot of great dining options. Most of my lunches were at the Alumni Memorial Union on campus, which has a big food court with a number of options such as salad, sandwiches, a grill, and sushi. The food there is really good and there are always options that fit within your meal plan. There are also a couple of Brew Bayous on campus, which is a coffee shop that has all your standard offerings. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Meaghan:I think Marquette is well represented by their business school and nursing school. Most of my friends were in one of the two. I personally studied secondary education and English, because I have always loved the idea of teaching high school English. I definitely felt as though my university did a good job supporting my area of study. Its a newer program, but there were many opportunities that were offered for education majors and a lot of support in the school itself. I had smart, helpful, experienced professors and a lot of opportunity to get involved in clubs that catered to my interests. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Meaghan:I personally found it fairly easy to meet people and make friends as a freshman. There are a lot of opportunities that my RA put together to make friends on my floor. I was not involved in Greek life, but I had a few friends that rushed and seemed to really enjoy their experience. I didnt think Greek life was as visible at Marquette as it might be at many other schools, but my friends that did it seemed to really enjoy it. Basically, I feel like either choice still ensures a fun college experience where you feel like part of the school. How helpful arethe Career Centerand other student support services? Meaghan:The Career Center at Marquette is extremely helpful. While I never utilized them directly, I had a number of friends that went to them for resume and application help for summer internships. Many reputable companies recruit on campus. While my experience was a little different, many of my friends who were in the business school attended multiple career fairs over their four years. Marquette partnered with Milwaukee Public Schools for our field experiences, which actually led to my decision to remain in Milwaukee as part of the MPS system. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Meaghan:I never struggled to find a space to study. During finals week, you do have to be strategic about finding and reserving a space in the library. I actually preferred to do most of my work in my dorm room or in my off-campus house junior and senior years. Each dorm building has a common room on each floor, as well as a basement that has ample study space. There are a variety of spaces on campus that fit whatever vibe youre looking for. Describe the surrounding town. Meaghan:Milwaukee is such an underrated city. There are so many restaurants, shops, and concert halls to keep you occupied, as well as a beautiful lakefront. There really is a lot to do, especially during the summer. When the weather is nice, theres a different festival almost every weekend. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Meaghan:Marquette is relatively medium-sized. My classes were smaller because my major was smaller, but I know even my friends in the business school still had many classes with no more than 50 students. I liked Marquettes size because there were always friendly faces on campus. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Meaghan:One of my favorite professors was one that I still stay in touch with. She taught a class that was all about being literate across multiple disciplines and what it meant to be digitally literate. We explored the term multiliteracy through a semester-long, student-led project that culminated in the creation of a digital version of our textbook of the same title deconstructed and reconstructed. Although the project was really difficult, I loved the way she put ownership of the class on us. I feel as though many of my Marquette professors took a similar approachthey encouraged us to explore our boundaries and learn through experience. Check out Meaghan'stutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

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